majunznk: John Lincoln Wright
majunznk: John Lincoln Wright
majunznk: Kevin the bass player
majunznk: John Lincoln Wright and the Sour Mash Boys
majunznk: Afternoon gig at Performance Center
majunznk: John MacDonald
majunznk: JLW at John MacDonald's wedding
majunznk: John Lincoln Wright and the Sourmash Boys
majunznk: John Lincoln Wright
majunznk: John Lincoln Wright and the Sour Mash Boys - Performance Center
majunznk: John Lincoln Wright and the Sour Mash Boys - Performance Center
majunznk: Pete Seeger
majunznk: Arlo Guthrie
majunznk: Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie
majunznk: Pete Seeger
majunznk: Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger
majunznk: Pete Seegar and Arlo Guthrie
majunznk: Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger
majunznk: Arlo Guthrie
majunznk: Arlo Guthrie
majunznk: Pete Seeger
majunznk: Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie
majunznk: Arlo Guthrie
majunznk: Earl Scruggs Family Band
majunznk: Earl Scruggs
majunznk: Drummer for Earl Scruggs
majunznk: Earl Scruggs
majunznk: Earl Scruggs
majunznk: Earl Scruggs
majunznk: Earl Scruggs