Majorlight: If You Forget Me
Majorlight: Oriental Poppy №1
Majorlight: "And your very flesh shall be a great poem."
Majorlight: "Life is full of obstacle illusions."
Majorlight: "Moonlight is sculpture"
Majorlight: "I am tired, beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little ink drops and posting it. And I scald alone, here, under the fire of the great moon."
Majorlight: The Invitation
Majorlight: "The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention."
Majorlight: This is Where I Live
Majorlight: Return to Innocence
Majorlight: I carry your heart with me...
Majorlight: "The reality you experience is a mirror image of your expectations."
Majorlight: "My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth's loveliness"
Majorlight: Experience