Lindsay Beyerstein: Security Redircted to Waterfront
Lindsay Beyerstein: Police Cars
Lindsay Beyerstein: Unmarked Security Vans
Lindsay Beyerstein: Overturned Newspaper Boxes
Lindsay Beyerstein: Mass Arrests
Lindsay Beyerstein: Mass Arrests at the RNC
Lindsay Beyerstein: Mass Arrests at the RNC
Lindsay Beyerstein: Mass Arrests at the RNC
Lindsay Beyerstein: Mass Arrests at the RNC
Lindsay Beyerstein: Mass Arrests at the RNC
Lindsay Beyerstein: Coast Guard on Mississippi River
Lindsay Beyerstein: Peace Sign
Lindsay Beyerstein: Demostrators Circle
Lindsay Beyerstein: Republicans
Lindsay Beyerstein: Republicans
Lindsay Beyerstein: Drill Here
Lindsay Beyerstein: Protesters
Lindsay Beyerstein: Riot Police
Lindsay Beyerstein: Dad Taking Photo of his Kid with Advancing Riot Cops
Lindsay Beyerstein: Riot Police and Biker
Lindsay Beyerstein: Riot Police Downtown