Magic_Nick: c'est moi
Magic_Nick: flamboiant
Magic_Nick: BANANUH
Magic_Nick: i present to you... a tiny origami crane
Magic_Nick: like a babys bottom
Magic_Nick: DAYUM!
Magic_Nick: hands
Magic_Nick: organic strawberry
Magic_Nick: ever have those days where you dont feel like trying?
Magic_Nick: steel wool
Magic_Nick: mmm sprinkles
Magic_Nick: glass o' water
Magic_Nick: blinded
Magic_Nick: RIP dead bug i found on the patio
Magic_Nick: pretty mannequin
Magic_Nick: feein a little abstract
Magic_Nick: strawberry
Magic_Nick: but thats just a lens?
Magic_Nick: arm hair
Magic_Nick: mystery
Magic_Nick: i want it soooooo bad
Magic_Nick: merrrr i like doritos merrrr!
Magic_Nick: powerup!
Magic_Nick: say cheese! "merrrrrrrrrrrrrp"
Magic_Nick: bullseye on a date with the night
Magic_Nick: when darkness falls