*maja: rain drops
*maja: zen
*maja: hard workers
*maja: late afternoon
*maja: the sun is tired
*maja: snail
*maja: up
*maja: buds
*maja: autumn
*maja: october
*maja: after eight
*maja: fucked forever
*maja: after eight
*maja: before the Sun falls asleep
*maja: before dark .....
*maja: all alone
*maja: moment that followed ......
*maja: moment in time
*maja: dewy
*maja: soul mates
*maja: rasta colors
*maja: Truth, like the juice of the poppy, in small quantities, calms men; in larger, heats and irritates them, and is attended by fatal consequences in excess. ( Walter Savage Landor )
*maja: There we met up for a moment ...
*maja: in the woods
*maja: playful clouds
*maja: Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock. ( Sigmund Freud )
*maja: summer breeze
*maja: charms of the coast