MajaH20: Jay at Harvard Square
MajaH20: Pretty Clouds
MajaH20: Jay and Me at Bar Harbor
MajaH20: Eddie and his lobster
MajaH20: Me, making lobster friends
MajaH20: So much lobster around you eventually turn into one yourself
MajaH20: Whale watching boat departing
MajaH20: Bar Harbor
MajaH20: Jay and Me
MajaH20: Bar Harbor Boats
MajaH20: Bar Harbor Boats
MajaH20: Bar Harbor Boats
MajaH20: Bar Harbor Boats
MajaH20: Bar Harbor Kayakers
MajaH20: Bar Harbor Boats and Parking
MajaH20: Tiger Shark
MajaH20: Sail Boat
MajaH20: Tiger Shark at Bar Harbor
MajaH20: Yard at Manor House Inn
MajaH20: Flowers
MajaH20: Manor House Inn
MajaH20: Manor House Inn
MajaH20: Tiny Teapot Art
MajaH20: Sunset at Bar Harbor
MajaH20: Sunset at Bar Harbor and their boats
MajaH20: Sunset at Bar Harbor
MajaH20: Sunset at Bar Harbor on the Kayakers
MajaH20: Boat Parking
MajaH20: Bubbles over Jordan Pond
MajaH20: Sand Beach Acadia National Park