Мaistora: Thoughtful
Мaistora: Some prefer the shadow, some prefer the sun
Мaistora: Retriever
Мaistora: Loyalty
Мaistora: Radiating
Мaistora: Baskerville
Мaistora: Assessing the situation
Мaistora: A puzzled Max
Мaistora: A different taste
Мaistora: The King of Charvil
Мaistora: Maxwell
Мaistora: Bored Max
Мaistora: Where is that bird?
Мaistora: Guilty
Мaistora: Games people play
Мaistora: Caught him -
Мaistora: Let me catch it
Мaistora: Dog and Dog Lover
Мaistora: Socialising
Мaistora: Focus
Мaistora: How it paints
Мaistora: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it...
Мaistora: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it...
Мaistora: Ivy & dog
Мaistora: Attitude
Мaistora: InstaMax
Мaistora: The Master
Мaistora: Pile of fur