TechSoup for Libraries:
heads down before the meeting began
TechSoup for Libraries:
sharing stories before the big win (Jessamyn West, Jean Montgomery, Chris Jowaisas)
TechSoup for Libraries:
technology abounds!
TechSoup for Libraries:
TCO and puppies = sort of alike.
TechSoup for Libraries:
a virtual moment
TechSoup for Libraries:
Jean Montgomery, describing her involvement with the MaintainIT Project, including how libraries use Cookbooks
TechSoup for Libraries:
Alex Trebek (Brenda Hough) and the winning Jeopardy team
TechSoup for Libraries:
MaintainIT Jeopardy: hooray!
TechSoup for Libraries:
MaintainIT Jeopardy: oops
TechSoup for Libraries:
MaintainIT Jeopardy: winners and (almost) winners
TechSoup for Libraries:
MeFites Unite!
TechSoup for Libraries:
Margaret Miles accepted the generous offer of cupcakes
TechSoup for Libraries:
TechSoup's MaintainIT Project Steering Committee 2009