mainmanwalkin: original section of the Berlin Wall still in place
mainmanwalkin: As close as we could get to this section of still-standing Berlin Wall
mainmanwalkin: Former Luftwaffe Headquarters, still feared today as the Berlin tax collectors office
mainmanwalkin: Berlin, Germany: One of the few remaining unbombed buildings, with many bullet holes visible from Soviet guns during the fall of Berlin.
mainmanwalkin: 1901 German building in Berlin, near Museum Island
mainmanwalkin: "The Empty Library" in Bebelplatz, one of the town squares in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: nice example of old German architecture in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: one of many intricate statutes built into the old German amphitheaters, libraries and museums in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: German Architecture
mainmanwalkin: original sections of the Berlin wall
mainmanwalkin: My wife Michelle at a section of the Berlin Wall in Germany
mainmanwalkin: standing near the former Checkpoint Charlie crossing, on the East Berlin side
mainmanwalkin: Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin Germany
mainmanwalkin: description and history of Hitler's underground bunker in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: site of Adolph Hitler's underground bunker in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: a flower grows on top of Adolph Hitler's underground bunker in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: close-up of maiden at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: The Brandenburg Gate, a huge attraction in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: Lets Rock and Roll......
mainmanwalkin: standing at a section of the Berlin Wall
mainmanwalkin: Berlin: the description says it all. Relics and remnants of German WWII history are still around and underfoot
mainmanwalkin: Berlin: Remains of the New Reich Chancellery building, uncovered during construction in 2008
mainmanwalkin: original ancient Roman marketplace, saved from loss and destruction, now preserved in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: close up of a very long relief column at the Roman Marketplace in Berlin's Pergamon Museum
mainmanwalkin: this place was worth the eight hour drive from Odense to get here
mainmanwalkin: Statue of Zeus, 2nd Century BC
mainmanwalkin: original ancient Roman marketplace, saved from loss and destruction, now preserved in Berlin
mainmanwalkin: the original Ishtar Gate, recovered buried in the sands by pre-WWII German Army and archaeologists
mainmanwalkin: my wife Michelle at an original section of the Ishtar Gate, Pergamon Museum Berlin