Maine Islander: Wild donkeys, St. John, VI
Maine Islander: Brown pelican
Maine Islander: Pelican, fishing in an infinity pool
Maine Islander: Sugar Mill, Annenberg, St. John
Maine Islander: going for a dip
Maine Islander: Denis Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands
Maine Islander: Joel, on Rams Head, St. John
Maine Islander: Not yet identified
Maine Islander: Conch fence, Cow Wreck Beach Bar, Anegada, BVI
Maine Islander: Bromeliad
Maine Islander: Heliconia
Maine Islander: Bananas, Annenberg
Maine Islander: Ginger blossom
Maine Islander: Ruins, Annenberg sugar mill, St. John
Maine Islander: Bromeliad
Maine Islander: Cow Wreck Beach Bar
Maine Islander: Sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera)
Maine Islander: Cow Wreck Beach Bar
Maine Islander: Crossing the waters
Maine Islander: Crossing the waters
Maine Islander: Waiting for sunset
Maine Islander: Watching sun set behind St. Thomas
Maine Islander: Rainbow over eastern end of St. Thomas
Maine Islander: Homunculus