Maine Islander: Joe, Webbs Mill Bog 1978
Maine Islander: Hawk banding, fall 1979
Maine Islander: Joe, hawk banding, November 1980
Maine Islander: Joe, with sharp shinned hawk, 1979
Maine Islander: Self portrait in reflection
Maine Islander: reflection
Maine Islander: Winter chores
Maine Islander: Planting potatoes
Maine Islander: Joe, cleaning garlic
Maine Islander: Joe harvesting fingerlings
Maine Islander: Joel, on Rams Head, St. John
Maine Islander: Joe hanging with Samuel de Champlain, fondateur de Québec
Maine Islander: Old man winter
Maine Islander: The glass ceiling...or...cabin fever.
Maine Islander: Farmhouse potluck
Maine Islander: Farmhouse potluck 2
Maine Islander: Capturing lupines
Maine Islander: Me, trying to get Jersey Boy to pose
Maine Islander: Cozying up on a cold late winter's day