Maine College of Art: MFA Crit in Free Street Galery
Maine College of Art: MFA Crit in Free Street Gallery
Maine College of Art: MFA Summer Session Critique
Maine College of Art: MFA Summer Session 2010
Maine College of Art: MFA work in progress
Maine College of Art: MFA Summer 2010
Maine College of Art: MFA window installation
Maine College of Art: Field research. Literally.
Maine College of Art: Farm trip with visiting faculty Hope Ginsberg
Maine College of Art: MFA farm trip with visiting faculty Hope Ginsberg
Maine College of Art: Making felt with visiting faculty Hope Ginsberg
Maine College of Art: Making felt with visiting faculty Hope Ginsberg
Maine College of Art: Thesis exhibition
Maine College of Art: Joanne Waxman Library
Maine College of Art: Visiting Artist
Maine College of Art: Group discussion
Maine College of Art: Group discussion
Maine College of Art: Group discussion
Maine College of Art: Group discussion
Maine College of Art: Group discussion
Maine College of Art: Work in progress
Maine College of Art: Crit in Free Street Gallery
Maine College of Art: Crit in Free Street Gallery
Maine College of Art: Installation in front window
Maine College of Art: In the student center