David C W Wang: On the Way to the Perhentian Island
David C W Wang: New Cocohut Chalet #1
David C W Wang: Summer Time #1
David C W Wang: Took a Short Break
David C W Wang: New Cocohut Chalet #2
David C W Wang: Fishing the Squid at Night #3
David C W Wang: Monkey on the Roof
David C W Wang: Summer Time #2
David C W Wang: Time to Go Home !!
David C W Wang: New Cocohut Restaurant #2
David C W Wang: New Cocohut Restaurant #3
David C W Wang: Take a Rest over Here
David C W Wang: Fishing Boats
David C W Wang: Difficult to Take a Shot
David C W Wang: The Chalet Room Outside
David C W Wang: #Perhentian Island
David C W Wang: It's me !!
David C W Wang: New Cocohut Chalet #3
David C W Wang: Fishing the Squid at Night #5
David C W Wang: Fishing the Squid at Night #2
David C W Wang: Fishing the Squid at Night #4
David C W Wang: Summer Time #3
David C W Wang: Fishing the Squid at Night #1
David C W Wang: New Cocohut Restaurant #1
David C W Wang: 蛇皮果