mailgirl333: Entrance
mailgirl333: Statue
mailgirl333: Snowflakes, real and Lights
mailgirl333: Statue
mailgirl333: Colorful
mailgirl333: Nativity
mailgirl333: Manger Scene
mailgirl333: Nativity
mailgirl333: Clopper (Don Quixote)
mailgirl333: Lights!
mailgirl333: Crescent Moon and Tree
mailgirl333: Looking Back
mailgirl333: Can't Walk Up
mailgirl333: Statue of Jesus on Cross
mailgirl333: Crescent Moon in Lights
mailgirl333: Tim-ber...Okay, not really...
mailgirl333: Our Lady of La Salette
mailgirl333: Our Lady
mailgirl333: Snow Covered Virgin
mailgirl333: Steps to Our Lady
mailgirl333: So Pretty!
mailgirl333: Lit up statues along the Pathway
mailgirl333: Pretty Blue and White Lights
mailgirl333: Christmas Trees
mailgirl333: Blue Angel
mailgirl333: Some of the prettiest Lights
mailgirl333: Row of Trees and Some People
mailgirl333: White Angel