mailemae: basalt columns and waterfall
mailemae: maile and alana and a waterfall
mailemae: alana and a waterfall
mailemae: Vatnajökull: hella big glacier
mailemae: this sheep got stuck in a fence
mailemae: hella icebergs
mailemae: dusk and icebergs
mailemae: 22:06
mailemae: 10 o'clock
mailemae: our mighty steed
mailemae: a HUGE flood ripped out this bridge and deposited it over 10 miles away
mailemae: a HUGE flood ripped out this bridge and deposited it over 10 miles away
mailemae: almost midnight!
mailemae: guess which bed belongs to which sister
mailemae: oh hai we're in iceland!
mailemae: what iceland looks like
mailemae: black beach
mailemae: black beach
mailemae: basalt cave
mailemae: black beach
mailemae: black beach
mailemae: chillin on some basalt columns
mailemae: alana on a black beach
mailemae: our favorite hostel
mailemae: view from the hostel
mailemae: our favorite hostel
mailemae: hostel
mailemae: iceland
mailemae: alana and I take like a .5 mile hike into the hotsprings
mailemae: alana and I take like a .5 mile hike into the hotsprings