MaikenVL: Hippie and Sofus totally got fisheyed
MaikenVL: 28/366 - My garden house totally got fisheyed (No more painting)
MaikenVL: Sign of spring
MaikenVL: Early spring
MaikenVL: Early spring
MaikenVL: Hippie in the grass
MaikenVL: Raindrops
MaikenVL: ODC: The miniature golf course totally got fisheyed
MaikenVL: Making tea
MaikenVL: Raindrop on the cherry tree close up
MaikenVL: Cherry blossoms
MaikenVL: Sofus <3
MaikenVL: Engblomme
MaikenVL: 1/366 - A rainy day
MaikenVL: Garden life
MaikenVL: 8/366 - Summer in my garden (gooseberries)
MaikenVL: Going for the golden nectar
MaikenVL: 13/366 - Rainy summer
MaikenVL: 10/366 - The "before" picture
MaikenVL: 11/366 - Still painting
MaikenVL: Fresh garlic
MaikenVL: When does it end? :-(
MaikenVL: Tiny cute birds
MaikenVL: 16/366 - The "after" picture
MaikenVL: 17/366 - One of those days
MaikenVL: 19/366 - Summer
MaikenVL: 22/366 - Berries