chi.mai: sinned
chi.mai: the man transports passengers on a floating bowl
chi.mai: and i say to myself...
chi.mai: ginseng water woman
chi.mai: plastic bags washer
chi.mai: what happens in district 6 does not resemble that in district 1
chi.mai: wanna buy something that shines?
chi.mai: ...
chi.mai: ...
chi.mai: a night of wandering about district 6
chi.mai: hands can talk
chi.mai: your life is a cake of which i want a bite
chi.mai: for my chikluvdik, i'd capitalize the F in Friends
chi.mai: falling in love
chi.mai: you come vietnam me take you eat
chi.mai: am..
chi.mai: home
chi.mai: pulling at dusk
chi.mai: dragging dusk home
chi.mai: love me tender Sweet
chi.mai: em Tram
chi.mai: da di doom
chi.mai: big bang boom
chi.mai: em Tram
chi.mai: maybe it'll collapse again but at least am trying
chi.mai: tofu sweet soup
chi.mai: keep that warm corner in your heart for me
chi.mai: isn't losing a part of life
chi.mai: hoi an