maida0922: Stepping Stones Across Kamogawa, Kyoto
maida0922: View from the Huge "大" Character on Mt. Nyoigatake, Kyoto
maida0922: View from the Huge "大" Character on Mt. Nyoigatake, Kyoto
maida0922: ヤマブキ(Kerria or Japanese Yellow Rose)
maida0922: Blue Waterlilly
maida0922: ヒスイカズラ@大船植物園 (Jade Vine)
maida0922: ヒスイカズラ@大船植物園 (Jade Vine)
maida0922: swirly bokeh from Cosmicar TV lens
maida0922: bokeh from Cosmicar TV lens
maida0922: bokeh from Cosmicar TV lens
maida0922: bokeh from Cosmicar TV lens
maida0922: フジ (Wisteria)
maida0922: Spring green leaves (Euonymus japonicus?)
maida0922: 斑入りサツキ (Rhododendron indicum, variegated only in top leaves)
maida0922: ビオラ (Viola)
maida0922: Spring green leaves
maida0922: 斑入りアオキ (Aucuba japonica, variegated)
maida0922: ヒナギク (Daisy)
maida0922: Kakitsubata (Japanese iris) at Ohta Shrine, Kyoto
maida0922: Maple and Iris@Ohta Shrine, Kyoto
maida0922: Maple and Iris@Ohta Shrine, Kyoto
maida0922: Euro Crisis