mahteetagong: House Finch Confab
mahteetagong: Song Sparrow Collecting Grass 2
mahteetagong: Cedar Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum
mahteetagong: White-Breasted Nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis
mahteetagong: Carolina Chickadee
mahteetagong: Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers
mahteetagong: American Robins, Turdus migratorius
mahteetagong: Woodpecker Communication
mahteetagong: Female Northern Cardinal
mahteetagong: Cooper's Hawk in Flight
mahteetagong: Cooper's Hawk With Dead Female Cardinal For Dinner
mahteetagong: Yellow-Rumped Warbler
mahteetagong: Barn Swallow
mahteetagong: Ruby-Crowned Kinglet - 08
mahteetagong: Female Dark-Eyed Junco
mahteetagong: Northern Cardinal
mahteetagong: Red-Bellied Woodpecker
mahteetagong: Carolina Wren
mahteetagong: Northern Flicker
mahteetagong: Blue Jay
mahteetagong: American Goldfinch
mahteetagong: Gray Catbird
mahteetagong: Birds at Dawn
mahteetagong: Great Egret
mahteetagong: Red-Tailed Hawk
mahteetagong: Northern Mockingbird
mahteetagong: California Towhee
mahteetagong: California Quail On The Run
mahteetagong: Mallard Ducks
mahteetagong: Violet-Green Swallow