Peter M: Jovan's leaving gift.
Peter M: Jovan aka 'the pink flamingo' has left the building.
Peter M: Maroon day.
Peter M: Camden Hells at The Aleksander.
Peter M: A nicer way to wait for Owen's piano lesson to finish.
Peter M: "Don't applaud. Just throw money."
Peter M: Luca is reduced to store bought macaroons. Poor Luca. @idalise3
Peter M: Watermelon!
Peter M: Two pie kinda night.
Peter M: One or two practices a week are all he needs!
Peter M: Too bad the sunset colours are lost. #BaterseaPowerstation
Peter M: Owen. Morning sunshine.
Peter M: Baths
Peter M: Morris Twickenham?
Peter M: Stupid weeds
Peter M: Summer?
Peter M: Yes it does.
Peter M: Blue tree
Peter M: Ant enjoying a pub lunch.
Peter M: Old friends #blog
Peter M: Old friends #blog
Peter M: If our year's married were a person... Today it could have a drink.
Peter M: Last minute Latin revision with Grandma.
Peter M: When in Birmingham.
Peter M: Guess where we are.
Peter M: Poke- heaven!
Peter M: Lovely theatre / pub.
Peter M: Ready for Pokemon nationals.
Peter M: Listeria.
Peter M: Beautiful lemon macaroon from @idalise3. Thank you!