mahgoosmom: Beginning to serve
mahgoosmom: Time to dig in!
mahgoosmom: Thanksgiving spread.
mahgoosmom: Hovering
mahgoosmom: Choosing spots at the table
mahgoosmom: P1010373
mahgoosmom: P1010371
mahgoosmom: Carving
mahgoosmom: Carving
mahgoosmom: 40 pound turkey in my oven!
mahgoosmom: Turkey beards
mahgoosmom: The Chef
mahgoosmom: drumsticks, wings and hands
mahgoosmom: Trussing...
mahgoosmom: Trussing the turkey.
mahgoosmom: "Pipe smoking is manly!"
mahgoosmom: and still more!
mahgoosmom: more plucking,
mahgoosmom: Plucking....
mahgoosmom: The boys hard at work
mahgoosmom: Initial plucking
mahgoosmom: Bleeding the turkey
mahgoosmom: Suspended: in wait
mahgoosmom: Gimpy's plumage in full color display
mahgoosmom: Gimpy's plumage before he puffs up
mahgoosmom: Feather sheen!
mahgoosmom: close-up profile