mahesh_f: All Saints' Church, Galle Fort
mahesh_f: Dutch Reformed Church, Galle Fort
mahesh_f: X marks the spot
mahesh_f: Memorial stone
mahesh_f: Citadel
mahesh_f: Galle Cathedral
mahesh_f: Anticipation
mahesh_f: Gone!
mahesh_f: Trudging back
mahesh_f: Wrought
mahesh_f: Avalokiteshvara
mahesh_f: Made in China
mahesh_f: Here be dragons
mahesh_f: Edict
mahesh_f: Ahimsa
mahesh_f: Avondster
mahesh_f: Swirl
mahesh_f: Weathered
mahesh_f: Pilgrimage
mahesh_f: Martian
mahesh_f: Isolation
mahesh_f: Horizon
mahesh_f: Idyll
mahesh_f: Memorials
mahesh_f: Remembrance of things past
mahesh_f: Odd one out
mahesh_f: Faded glory
mahesh_f: Sivi Jatakaya
mahesh_f: Verdant
mahesh_f: One step closer...