bob|P-&-S: DSC03548
bob|P-&-S: DSC01936
bob|P-&-S: DSC09891
bob|P-&-S: DSC06584
bob|P-&-S: Caterwauling like a lascivious tomcat
bob|P-&-S: DSC06516
bob|P-&-S: Like a fowl which eats in the morning what it scratches up in the morning
bob|P-&-S: The fowl has escaped, and the hand is left dirty
bob|P-&-S: DSC06456
bob|P-&-S: Like a cat that has dropped one of her kittens
bob|P-&-S: Janda Baik VI
bob|P-&-S: DSC02401
bob|P-&-S: Rooster
bob|P-&-S: Hen
bob|P-&-S: Cats
bob|P-&-S: Cat
bob|P-&-S: When cats have horns
bob|P-&-S: DSC02991
bob|P-&-S: DSC02913
bob|P-&-S: DSC02898
bob|P-&-S: DSC07174