Maggie Barnidge: Shhh....Bennett is sleeping
Maggie Barnidge: Shhh....Bennett is sleeping (10)
Maggie Barnidge: Shirley and Erica
Maggie Barnidge: O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree (3)
Maggie Barnidge: The stockings were hung by the chimney with care (4)
Maggie Barnidge: Shirley, Bennett, and Erica
Maggie Barnidge: Shirley, Bennett, Erica, and Garrett read Twas The Night Before Christmas
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett on the phone (3)
Maggie Barnidge: Garrett opens the train with a remote control (5)
Maggie Barnidge: Garrett and the Saxaphone (2)
Maggie Barnidge: Garrett the Train Conductor (12)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett delivers presents (2)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett plays in the first snow of the season
Maggie Barnidge: Erica and Garrett (4)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett opens gifts (8)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett the chef (3)
Maggie Barnidge: DSC_0001
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett enjoys hot chocolate (8)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett in the office chair
Maggie Barnidge: Garrett and Bennett enjoy the first snow of the season (11)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett plays in the first snow of the season (29)
Maggie Barnidge: Garrett plays in the first snow of the season (14)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett plays in the first snow of the season (21)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett plays in the first snow of the season (17)
Maggie Barnidge: Garrett plays in the first snow of the season (18)
Maggie Barnidge: Shirley and Garrett (8)
Maggie Barnidge: Shirley and Garrett (3)
Maggie Barnidge: Opening Christmas Surprises - Bennett, Garrett, and Erica (4)
Maggie Barnidge: Bennett and Erica read a story