magrinha97: DSCN0928 (2) Cedar Waxwing
magrinha97: DSCN0932 MODO Belle Isle
magrinha97: DSCN0954 belle isle
magrinha97: DSCN0957 Belle Isle
magrinha97: DSCN0955 (2) Belle Isle Marsh in fog
magrinha97: DSCN1093 Least Sandpiper Juv
magrinha97: DSCN0950 Lesser Yellowlegs
magrinha97: DSCN1052 (2) Whimbrel w Yellowlegs
magrinha97: DSCN1079 bathing shorebirds
magrinha97: DSCN0982 Whimbrel
magrinha97: DSCN0979 Whimbrel bathing
magrinha97: DSCN0980 Whimbrel bathing
magrinha97: DSCN0992 Whimbrel
magrinha97: DSCN0998 whimbrel
magrinha97: DSCN0994 bathing whimbrel and yellowlegs
magrinha97: DSCN1006 (2) Yellowlegs and Whimbrel
magrinha97: DSCN1016 Whimbrel and Yellowlegs
magrinha97: DSCN1024 (2) Whimbrel w Lesser Yellowlegs
magrinha97: DSCN1064 Whimbrel
magrinha97: DSCN1071 Short Billed Dowitcher and shorebirds
magrinha97: DSCN1121
magrinha97: DSCN1098 belle isle
magrinha97: DSCN1103 belle isle
magrinha97: DSCN1115 spider - belle isle marsh
magrinha97: DSCN1117 spiderweb belle isle