Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - backing - vintage grey wool suiting
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - binding done
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - block stack
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (1)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (2)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (3)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (4)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (5)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (6)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (7)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - completed (8)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - deconstructing in the sun (2)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - deconstructing in the sun
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - embroidery detail (1)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - embroidery detail (2)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - in progress
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - layout (1)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - layout (2)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - layout (3)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - piece making (1)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - piece making (2)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilt layout first draft
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilt top complete (1)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilt top complete (2)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilt top finished
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilting finished (1)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilting finished (2)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilting finished (3)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilting finished (4)
Magpies Laundry: Ashwell Quilt - quilting finished (5)