magnolia360: Opening day couldn't have had better weather.
magnolia360: Familiar and popular vendors
magnolia360: face painting
magnolia360: not the 5 cent lemonade stand of our youth
magnolia360: It might be smaller than many other Vancouver markets, but also less crowded
magnolia360: putting his whole body into the pitch!
magnolia360: Icelandic poppies - beautiful!
magnolia360: Colour!
magnolia360: Choose your dietary fibre here.
magnolia360: Rhubarb, still going strong. Lovey ruby hues.
magnolia360: Buy local, buy organic.
magnolia360: Onions, lettuce, scapes.
magnolia360: I'm not a cauliflower fan, but these sure are pretty.
magnolia360: lovely radishes.
magnolia360: The raspberries have joined the strawberries at last.
magnolia360: lunch ... and ice cream sandwich with real cookie on the outside.
magnolia360: not sure what a red fife brownie is.... I had the salted chocolate!
magnolia360: next door to the market, another local community initiative.
magnolia360: Ready to be planted and worked.
magnolia360: The space for this market was planned so there is electricity and water available for the vendors. MUCH quieter: no generators running.
magnolia360: Not sure if this was tai chi, or part of a yoga class going on in the space next to the market.
magnolia360: As always at the local markets, there is musical entertainment included.
magnolia360: You can see that the market "extends" to Ontario Street for more vendors and food trucks.