MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.1] chad gadyo. Title page
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.2] 1. gekoyft der tate far tsvey gildeyn a tsigele. dezabin abo (1. The father bought for two coins a little goat. That father bought)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.3] 2. iz gekumen di kats un fartsukt dos tsigele. veoso shunro (2. Then came the cat and devoured the kid. And came the cat)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.4] 3. iz gekumen der hund un oyfgefresn di kats. veoso khalbo (3. Then came the dog and ate the cat. And came the dog)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.5] 4. iz gekumen der shtekn un geshlogn dem hund. veoso chutro (4. Then came the stick and hit the dog. And came the stick)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.6] >5. iz gekumen dos fayer un farbrent dem shtekn. veoso nuro (5. Then came the fire and burned the stick. And came the fire)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.7] 6. iz gekumen dos vaser un farloshn dos fayer. veoso mayo (6. Then came the water and quenched the fire. And came the water)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.8] 7. iz gekumen der oks un oysgetrunken dos vaser. veoso toro (7. Then came the ox and drank the water. And came the ox)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.9] 8. iz gekumen der shoykhet un geshokhtn dem oks. veoso shoykhet (8. Then came the butcher and slaughtered the ox. And came the butcher)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.10] 9. iz gekumen der malakh hamoves un geshokhtn dem shoykhet. veoso malakh hamoves (9. Then came the Angel of Death and slaughtered the butcher. And came the Angel of Death)
MagnesMuseum: [2019.5.11] 10. iz gekumen got un hot geshokhtn dem malakh hamoves. veoso hakodosh borukh hu (10. Then came God and slaughtered the Angel of Death. And came the Holy One Blessed Be He)