MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-1]: [Violinist Bronislaw Huberman, New York,] 1941-45, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-2]: [Sculptor Naoum Aronson, New York,] ca. 1941-43, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-3]: [Survivor saying Kaddish (the mourner's prayer) for family who perished in the Holocaust, Displaced Persons camp, Berlin, Germany], 1947, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-4]: [Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz studying Talmud with his students on Shabbat, Mukacevo], ca. 1935-38, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-5]: In the study of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz, Mukacevo, ca. 1937-8, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-6]: At the end of October 1938, thousands of Polish Jews residing in Germany were forcibly repatriated by the Nazis. They were temporarily housed in military barracks in Zbaszyn, Poland, November 1938, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-7]: An elder of the village, Vysni Apsa, ca. 1935-38, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-8]: Meshorerim [choir singers] at the house of Rabbi Boruch Rabinowitz, Mukaveco, ca. 1937-38, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-9]: Grandfather and granddaughter, Warsaw, ca. 1935-38, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-10]: [Albert Einstein in his office, Princeton University, New Jersey], 1942, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-11]: Rabbi Leibel Eisenberg (reading) and his shammes [synagogue caretaker], Lask , ca. 1935-38
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-12]: [Ernest Kaufmann, center, and unidentified Jewish youth, wearing clogs while learning construction techniques in a quarry, Werkdorp Nieuwesluis, Wieringermeer, The Netherlands], ca. 1938, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016.6.13]: R. Vishniac, [Sisters Marion, Renate, and Karen Gumprecht, refugees assisted by the National Refugee Service (NRS) and Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), shortly after their arrival in the United States, Central Park, New York]
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-14]: [Interior of the Anhalter Banhof railway terminus near Potsdamer Platz, Berlin], 1929-early 1930s, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-15]: [Woman walking on crutches through ruins, Berlin], 1947, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-16]: [Teacher and students in cheder (Jewish elementary school), Slonim], ca. 1935-38, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-17]: [David Eckstein, seven years old, and classmates in cheder (Jewish elementary school), Brod, (Carpathian Ruthenia/Czechoslovakia)], ca. 1938, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-18]: Meshorerim [choir singers] at the house of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz, Mukacevo, ca 1937-38
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-19]: His books are his companions, Warsaw, ca. 1935-38, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2016-6-20]: [Requesting a loan in the offices of the local Gmiles Hesed (Free Loan Society), Warsaw], ca. 1935-38, Roman Vishniac
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2017-12-5]: [Arthur Szyk, Julia Szyk, and Alexandra Braciejowski, New York], 1942
MagnesMuseum: Photgoraph [2017-12-4]: The miniature painter, Arthur Szyk, New York, 1942
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2017-12-3]: [Arthur Szyk, Julia Szyk, and Alexandra Braciejowski, New York], 1942
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2017-12-2]: The miniature painter, Arthur Szyk, New York, 1942
MagnesMuseum: Photograph [2017-12-2]: The miniature painter, Arthur Szyk, New York, 1942