~ Magne: "Welcome to the state of israel"
~ Magne: Hebron
~ Magne: Hebron
~ Magne: Israeli Occupation Forces' building
~ Magne: occupied roof
~ Magne: star of david tagged on a palestinian door
~ Magne: garbage thrown from the settlers
~ Magne: garbage thrown from the settlers
~ Magne: star of david tagged on a palestinian door in Hebron
~ Magne: Israeli occupation soldier
~ Magne: Israeli occupation soldier
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Checkpoint in front of the Ibrahim mosque: soldier tells me to put down camera
~ Magne: Inside Ibrahim mosque: tomb of Ibrahim
~ Magne: Inside Ibrahim mosque: bullet mark
~ Magne: Inside Ibrahim mosque
~ Magne: Inside Ibrahim mosque: Shane
~ Magne: Israeli soldiers at the entrance of the mosque
~ Magne: Israeli soldiers at the entrance of the mosque
~ Magne: Israeli soldiers outside the mosque
~ Magne: Israeli soldiers at the entrance of the mosque
~ Magne: Israeli soldiers at the entrance of the mosque