Ultrachool: Xerox building at sunset
Ultrachool: vapors rising
Ultrachool: What's sacred now
Ultrachool: the Zipper, A N E
Ultrachool: RF bridge
Ultrachool: lower Charlotte St
Ultrachool: heading for the bridge
Ultrachool: Great was its collapse
Ultrachool: At SJ Airport
Ultrachool: hosing it down
Ultrachool: May 18, 1966
Ultrachool: union demonstration on Union Street
Ultrachool: it's about R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Ultrachool: KILLAM!
Ultrachool: B & G Club wall mural
Ultrachool: continuing desolation
Ultrachool: green, 2nd try
Ultrachool: green, 1st try
Ultrachool: Fort Howe plaque
Ultrachool: former ecclesiastical door
Ultrachool: Douglas Avenue streetscape
Ultrachool: UNIVERSAL
Ultrachool: baggage duty
Ultrachool: getting her picture taken
Ultrachool: streetscape, Saint John
Ultrachool: at the fair
Ultrachool: at the fair 2
Ultrachool: characters
Ultrachool: on duty at the fair