Ultrachool: calendula
Ultrachool: sheep laurel
Ultrachool: Red Clover
Ultrachool: pitcher plants
Ultrachool: pink fantastico
Ultrachool: one that grew
Ultrachool: morning glory
Ultrachool: mallow
Ultrachool: lupins by the sea
Ultrachool: horsetails
Ultrachool: Herb Robert
Ultrachool: flowers, 1981
Ultrachool: Fireweed Headland
Ultrachool: Dandelion
Ultrachool: caterpillar grass
Ultrachool: aquatic plants
Ultrachool: dandelion and coltsfoot
Ultrachool: streetside weeds
Ultrachool: pinks at eye level
Ultrachool: sidewalk weed
Ultrachool: marigolds on Main
Ultrachool: Sometimes you've got to
Ultrachool: painted trilliums
Ultrachool: pond scene (jpeg)
Ultrachool: cloudberry
Ultrachool: miniature dahlias
Ultrachool: ladybug and chicory
Ultrachool: orange and green
Ultrachool: flowzues (GIF)
Ultrachool: urban nature