Aaron Irizarry: Lovers #getaroom
Aaron Irizarry: Basket kitteh.
Aaron Irizarry: Annoyed.
Aaron Irizarry: My homie.
Aaron Irizarry: Ladies...
Aaron Irizarry: Pals playing.
Aaron Irizarry: Special Blend Kitteh
Aaron Irizarry: Bedtime Kitteh
Aaron Irizarry: Willow seems thrilled with her brother Draper and his display of affection.
Aaron Irizarry: Becoming better friends.
Aaron Irizarry: Trader Joes stow away.
Aaron Irizarry: Siblings
Aaron Irizarry: In her favorite spot.
Aaron Irizarry: Let's share.
Aaron Irizarry: Bright eyes
Aaron Irizarry: Kitty lookout
Aaron Irizarry: My girl Willow
Aaron Irizarry: My pal Draper
Aaron Irizarry: Good morning.
Aaron Irizarry: All of your controllerz are belong to me!
Aaron Irizarry: Lazy evening with my main man.
Aaron Irizarry: The slipper fits... Really it does
Aaron Irizarry: Willow Girl
Aaron Irizarry: Let's Play!
Aaron Irizarry: Comfortable?
Aaron Irizarry: Annoyed Much?