magistrahf: Amphitheater of the Villa Vergiliana
magistrahf: Female bust
magistrahf: Caption for female bust
magistrahf: Prometheus
magistrahf: Prometheus
magistrahf: Female bust
magistrahf: Strigilated sarcophagus: Cupid and Psyche
magistrahf: Strigilated sarcophagus: Cupid and Psyche
magistrahf: Caption for Cupid and Psyche sarcophagus
magistrahf: Married couple relief
magistrahf: Sarcophagus of V. Valerius Valerianus
magistrahf: Sarcophagus of V. Valerius Valerianus
magistrahf: Sarcophagus of V. Valerius Valerianus
magistrahf: Sarcophagus of V. Valerius Valerianus
magistrahf: Sarcophagus with triumph of Dionysus
magistrahf: Sarcophagus with triumph of Dionysus
magistrahf: Slab with Jupiter Ammon
magistrahf: Slab with Jupiter Ammon
magistrahf: Ear votive plaque
magistrahf: Another ear votive
magistrahf: Caption for ear votive
magistrahf: Antefix
magistrahf: Antefix caption
magistrahf: Athena antefix
magistrahf: Clay spindle whorls
magistrahf: Athena antefix caption
magistrahf: Caption for Clay spindle whorls
magistrahf: Votive deposit
magistrahf: Clay spindle whorls
magistrahf: Clay spindle whorls with finger for scale