magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla
magistrahf: Mosaic floor in Baths of Caracalla
magistrahf: Top of wall in Baths of Caracalla
magistrahf: More Baths of Caracalla ruins
magistrahf: Window inBaths of Caracalla
magistrahf: Traces fo decoration in Baths of Caracalla
magistrahf: Black and white mosaic in Baths of Caracalla
magistrahf: Remnants of dome in Baths of Caracalla
magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla dome side views
magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla wall
magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla mosaic floor
magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla wall
magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla swimming pool
magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla walla nd clouds
magistrahf: Baths of Caracalla remains of a staircase
magistrahf: Porta Argentariorum
magistrahf: Porta Argentariorum- shows damnatio memoriae, where Geta was erased
magistrahf: porta argentariorum shows damnatio memoriae where wife and father in law were erased
magistrahf: Cosmati work on altar in San Gregorio
magistrahf: More Cosmati work on altar in San Gregorio
magistrahf: Dome in San Gregorio
magistrahf: Marble and windows San Gregorio
magistrahf: Lemon granita
magistrahf: Coconut and pineapple gelato
magistrahf: Caption for freedmen funerary relief
magistrahf: Freedmen funerary relief
magistrahf: Aedicula for a temple
magistrahf: Caption for Aedicula for a temple
magistrahf: Caption for Apollo Sosianus frieze
magistrahf: Apollo Sosianus frieze (1/2)