JasonChristopher: new bloom budding
JasonChristopher: towering begonia
JasonChristopher: bloom part 2
JasonChristopher: the least
JasonChristopher: it takes two
JasonChristopher: baby aloe
JasonChristopher: pencil tree
JasonChristopher: pencil tree
JasonChristopher: prayer plant
JasonChristopher: prayer plant bloom
JasonChristopher: haworthia reinwardtii
JasonChristopher: begonia spring 2005
JasonChristopher: begonia bloom 2005
JasonChristopher: begonia cuttings 2005
JasonChristopher: begonia - aerial view
JasonChristopher: begonia eye level
JasonChristopher: begonia cutting
JasonChristopher: begonia leaves
JasonChristopher: young jade
JasonChristopher: jade family
JasonChristopher: growing plant
JasonChristopher: hand for scale
JasonChristopher: reaching fern
JasonChristopher: Jesus in the garden
JasonChristopher: dumb cane leaf
JasonChristopher: homewrecker
JasonChristopher: dirty boots
JasonChristopher: cover your eyes