Magic Snapshots: Buds of Spring
Magic Snapshots: Rainy mood of nature
Magic Snapshots: Rain drop
Magic Snapshots: See what I see
Magic Snapshots: See what I see, again
Magic Snapshots: Strawberries
Magic Snapshots: Strawberries again
Magic Snapshots: Spring Leaves
Magic Snapshots: Flower on Old Fountain
Magic Snapshots: Leaves of a Roses' Plant
Magic Snapshots: Basil in a clay pot
Magic Snapshots: Sunset Hour
Magic Snapshots: Green but not simple
Magic Snapshots: Leaves in Sun Light
Magic Snapshots: Plant in the rocks
Magic Snapshots: Like a star
Magic Snapshots: Plant in front of a road
Magic Snapshots: A plant like cotton
Magic Snapshots: Branch of fir tree
Magic Snapshots: Strawberries
Magic Snapshots: Unripe strawberry
Magic Snapshots: Plant Leaves
Magic Snapshots: Summer Sheaves
Magic Snapshots: Vine on the Old Roof, Arkochori
Magic Snapshots: The same blood
Magic Snapshots: Orange Thorn (Citriobatus pauciflorus)
Magic Snapshots: Orange Thorn (Citriobatus pauciflorus)
Magic Snapshots: Dried flower