MagickalGoodies: .Enhance psychic abilities-LARGE Labradorite Palmstone-Great for scrying
MagickalGoodies: .Learn to love yourself, and love others more fully- Rose Quartz crystal
MagickalGoodies: Attract supportive friends & stability in relationships- Green Sardonyx
MagickalGoodies: Awaken Passion and Sensuality-HUGE Garnet crystal -January birthstone
MagickalGoodies: Better understand the life you're living & stimulate latent creative abilities-Sodalite
MagickalGoodies: Bloodstone
MagickalGoodies: Calms fears, clears guilt and dissolves illusions- Chiastolite-Hard to Find- for Wirewrapping, Grids, or carry as a pocketstone
MagickalGoodies: Citrine crystal keychain - Attract abundance
MagickalGoodies: Clear Heart Chakra Blockages-Ruby in Fuschite
MagickalGoodies: Connect with your Animal Totems- Leopard skin Jasper -LARGE -reiki charged-great for Shamans
MagickalGoodies: Dragon Stone tumbled stone- For Wirewrapping, chakra work, grids, healing
MagickalGoodies: Dream Recall and for gridding around the outside of your home-Selenite
MagickalGoodies: Ease loneliness and get out of a rut- Rutilated Quartz
MagickalGoodies: Fancy Agate crystal
MagickalGoodies: February Birthstone-Amethyst crystals-perfect for grids or pocket
MagickalGoodies: Green and Purple Fluorite
MagickalGoodies: Green Garnet (Grossularite) crystal
MagickalGoodies: Heartache and Grief- Raspberry Rhodonite
MagickalGoodies: High Vibration Scolecite crysta - promotes restful sleep (Third eye and crown chakra)
MagickalGoodies: Hopeless feelings turn to optimism- Blue Aragonite crystal Large gallet
MagickalGoodies: Itty Bitty Hematite crystals -just right for grids and wirewrapping
MagickalGoodies: Joie de Vivre, Leadership, enhance sexuality -Sunstone -LARGE -reiki charged tumbled stone
MagickalGoodies: Lepidolite -contains Lithium
MagickalGoodies: Lets get er done-Increase Willpower & Take Action- Yellow Tiger Eye crystal
MagickalGoodies: Lifts Depression, helps heal sexual trauma, Increase Optimism & Lightheartedness - Orange Calcite worry stone
MagickalGoodies: Mangano Calcite from Peru
MagickalGoodies: Mental Burnout and Exhaustion- Tiger Iron
MagickalGoodies: Moss Agate crystal
MagickalGoodies: or Low Sex Drive -Red Tiger Eye wafer