magical-world: Santa Maria del Mar
magical-world: Old local artist
magical-world: Staircase to...
magical-world: Medieval streets of Barcelona
magical-world: A guidebook anyone?
magical-world: Ornaments at the Parc Guël
magical-world: Foot of the famous lizard at Parc Guël
magical-world: Many, many tourists
magical-world: Mosaics
magical-world: Schoolkids playing in the old streets of Barcelona
magical-world: Local tiny store
magical-world: Instructions
magical-world: Bicing
magical-world: Plaça del Mercè
magical-world: Beautiful old door
magical-world: Barça!!
magical-world: High above
magical-world: Lined up!
magical-world: Plaça Reial
magical-world: Symmetry
magical-world: Barcelona typical housing