magical-world: Sky on fire!
magical-world: The best sunset in the world!
magical-world: Blue!
magical-world: Anyone for paradise?
magical-world: Colour-saturation
magical-world: Just before the thunderstorm
magical-world: Morning view over the Mekong river
magical-world: Serene
magical-world: Gate to Indo-China
magical-world: Small chedi
magical-world: Don't you dare!
magical-world: Blue and green
magical-world: In between vegetables
magical-world: Royal flags above the market buzz
magical-world: Local youth hanging around at a market
magical-world: Gold and shiny!
magical-world: Meditation walk
magical-world: Dragon's "back"
magical-world: Green dragon skin
magical-world: Sunset at a temple in Chiang Mai
magical-world: Young monk
magical-world: Evening sun on chedi
magical-world: Sisters?
magical-world: See ya!
magical-world: Meet the chef!
magical-world: Doing business
magical-world: Vegetable business
magical-world: Best wishes
magical-world: Crowds on New Year's Eve
magical-world: It's flying!