magical-world: Challenging the eagles!
magical-world: Running in the air!
magical-world: Orange explosion!
magical-world: Happy in the morning sun
magical-world: In front of Annapurna South
magical-world: Back from Annapurna Basecamp
magical-world: Posing in front of Annapurna South
magical-world: Evening view on the "Annapurna Basecamp"
magical-world: Prayer flags at the Annapurna Basecamp
magical-world: Wideness or wildness or both?
magical-world: Towards the unknown
magical-world: Sun-bathing Annapurna South
magical-world: Machhapuchhre in the clouds
magical-world: At Poonhill
magical-world: View on Annapurna South from Poonhill
magical-world: Our "team" at Poonhill
magical-world: Dhaulagiri in the morning
magical-world: Evening view from Poonhill
magical-world: Enjoying breakfast
magical-world: Running!
magical-world: Cherry blossom
magical-world: Intrigued
magical-world: Beautiful first view on Nilgiri
magical-world: On our way
magical-world: What are you looking at?
magical-world: Lunch time!
magical-world: Red heads!
magical-world: Variation
magical-world: It's so wide!
magical-world: Open spaces