Maggie T: Beef-A-Roo
Maggie T: Getting gas in Christmas
Maggie T: Grand Island shore
Maggie T: Kayak paradise
Maggie T: Me, swimming underwater in Lake Superior
Maggie T: Wave jumping
Maggie T: A gentleman on the beach
Maggie T: Another Superior sunset
Maggie T: Thomas, reflecting
Maggie T: P1010196
Maggie T: Chapel Rock
Maggie T: P1010185
Maggie T: I don't get it.
Maggie T: P1010158
Maggie T: P1010157
Maggie T: P1010152
Maggie T: P1010151
Maggie T: Where's the Log Slide?
Maggie T: There's the Log Slide.
Maggie T: Who the f*#% still uses a pay phone?
Maggie T: National Park Service cabin thingie
Maggie T: Good times are being had.
Maggie T: P1010118
Maggie T: P1010116
Maggie T: Beach hikin'