callmaggie: EnchantedTrailWatermark
callmaggie: GoldenLunaWatermark
callmaggie: BiancaWatermark
callmaggie: Angel_Horse
callmaggie: IMG_3314
callmaggie: Breakfast Time with Luna
callmaggie: IMG_1315
callmaggie: Gorgeous Tuesday! Luna & I are Wishing You a Beautiful week!
callmaggie: LunaWhiteBorder
callmaggie: DSCN4064
callmaggie: Luna by
callmaggie: LunaOldStyle
callmaggie: IMG_2404
callmaggie: LunasRays
callmaggie: IMG_2719
callmaggie: 545909_10201961798553545_1147551797_n
callmaggie: The daily rain storms have brought the rich and vibrant greens in the grass and plants! My weekly Luna photo, now we are in Week 35.
callmaggie: "Luna with the Luna" He knew I needed some horse therapy! We Always put our foreheads together & somehow he helps me through whatever we are going through ❤ that horse!
callmaggie: My Magical Horse Luna always greets me with enthusiasm in the morning. I know it's because I bring him breakfast, but I hope it's also because he is happy to see me :)