Mizrobot: Getting off the plane in Frankfurt
Mizrobot: hotel in Berlin
Mizrobot: Tacheles
Mizrobot: large beer
Mizrobot: bathroom at Cafe Zapata
Mizrobot: sound check
Mizrobot: Let's be friends.
Mizrobot: doner kebap
Mizrobot: bullet holes
Mizrobot: river
Mizrobot: Brandenburg Gate
Mizrobot: Reichstag
Mizrobot: Reichstag
Mizrobot: cute courtyard
Mizrobot: having some beers
Mizrobot: I liked this door
Mizrobot: crazy tiki drinks in Berlin, why not?
Mizrobot: man cocktail pick
Mizrobot: Tower thing
Mizrobot: Here be a Dutch goat
Mizrobot: Holland farm
Mizrobot: sabotage
Mizrobot: press the button like this
Mizrobot: flower market
Mizrobot: my bags