maggie jones.: The walk goes through Barnes old cemetery.
maggie jones.: An odd little structure that narrowed the brook.
maggie jones.: The remains of Barnes old cemetery. The church has long disappeared.
maggie jones.: The walk begins.
maggie jones.: The brook begins to go under a main road.
maggie jones.: Ivy clinging to a fence.
maggie jones.: The remains of an old bridge.
maggie jones.: Fallen tree.
maggie jones.: Dead tree.
maggie jones.: My U3A group out on a walk.
maggie jones.: Bomber Command Memorial with a nice quote by Pericles.
maggie jones.: Fulham football club.
maggie jones.: We arrive at Putney.
maggie jones.: Map showing our route.
maggie jones.: Cynthia and Sue in front of the statue of Hans Sloane.
maggie jones.: One of the lovely letters from a child.
maggie jones.: Reading the letters from the children aged 8 or 11.
maggie jones.: Reading the letters from the school children, aged 8 or 11.
maggie jones.: Viewing the installation with artist Ruth.
maggie jones.: Jenny and Anne in front of their photo.
maggie jones.: Cutting out for a collage installation for an evacuee exhibition.
maggie jones.: Ruth and Sue that artists that lead the project.
maggie jones.: The actors after the performance taking a bow.
maggie jones.: Jenny reading her letter to the future.
maggie jones.: Evacuee event at the Battersea Arts Centre.
maggie jones.: Flo fixing the folder to a testimony.
maggie jones.: Sue U3A and Jessie BAC, the two main organisers.
maggie jones.: Richard and Barbara setting up the collages.
maggie jones.: Tony and Brenda fixing the tape for the windows just like they did in the war.
maggie jones.: Flo sticking pictures for a poster.