maggie jones.: Painted electric box.
maggie jones.: Painted electric box.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe
maggie jones.: Stink pipe near Battersea bridge
maggie jones.: Close up of base of stink pipe with lovely decoration.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe
maggie jones.: Stink pipe
maggie jones.: I'm sure this stink pipe was straight when I took this photo.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe North End Road SW4
maggie jones.: Stink pipe, mens toilets and Gladstone - I wonder if there's a connection?
maggie jones.: Stink pipe outside the mens toilets.
maggie jones.: Pubi c Life. Such wit.
maggie jones.: Wandsworth stink pipe
maggie jones.: Wandsworth stink pipe
maggie jones.: Stink pipe.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe door.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe
maggie jones.: Stink pipe
maggie jones.: At first I thought this was a stink pipe but there are no toilets nearby. It does not resemble any lamp posts nearby either. Maybe it's a vent.
maggie jones.: Fancy stink pipe.
maggie jones.: I think this may be a stink pipe.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe, opposite Earlsfield station.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe.
maggie jones.: Old phone box and stink pipe.
maggie jones.: The Shard, a stink pipe and The Tower.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe, with Rogers? Engineers Watford embossed on it.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe and a beautiful dark cloud.
maggie jones.: Stink pipe pretending to be a tree.