maggie joynt: Welcome to the Sunshine State!
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighhouse Beach
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighhouse Beach
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighthouse Beach
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighthouse Beach
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighhouse Beach
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighhouse Beach
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighhouse Beach
maggie joynt: Point Ybel Lighthouse Beach
maggie joynt: Bowman's Beach
maggie joynt: Bowman's Beach
maggie joynt: Lunch at the Bubble Room!
maggie joynt: Giant shell mound at Blind's Pass
maggie joynt: Giant shell mound at Blind's Pass
maggie joynt: Beach Loot!
maggie joynt: Tiny Shell collection
maggie joynt: Mating Malachites
maggie joynt: Monarch
maggie joynt: Mating Zebras
maggie joynt: Malachite
maggie joynt: Malachite
maggie joynt: Malachite
maggie joynt: Gulf Fritillary
maggie joynt: Sign behind our Hotel...
maggie joynt: Ding Darling