Maggie Allan: Dob Gill at the outflow of Harrop Tarn
Maggie Allan: Harrop Tarn
Maggie Allan: Looking back through the forest
Maggie Allan: A ruin in the forest
Maggie Allan: Tarnlet on Bell Crags with The Dodds in view
Maggie Allan: Tarnlet on Bell Crags with Blencathra in the distance
Maggie Allan: Semi-restored ruin on Bell Crags
Maggie Allan: Back down in the forest
Maggie Allan: Back at Dob Gill
Maggie Allan: Harrop Tarn
Maggie Allan: Looking back to Bell Crags above Harrop Tarn
Maggie Allan: Thirlmere from Birk Crag
Maggie Allan: West Head Farm below Fairfield and Steel Fell
Maggie Allan: Down at the Binka Stone