Maggie Allan: Early light burnishes the dead bracken on Helm Crag
Maggie Allan: Cottage below Steel Fell
Maggie Allan: Greenburn valley flooded with early sunshine
Maggie Allan: Helvellyn range from Cotra Breast
Maggie Allan: Thirlmere and Helvellyn from Dead Pike on Steel Fell
Maggie Allan: Helvellyn massif from a blue pool on Steel Fell
Maggie Allan: Helvellyn from Dead Pike
Maggie Allan: Sheep above Dunmail Raise
Maggie Allan: Another icy blue pool with a view :-)
Maggie Allan: Seat Sandal from a blue pool
Maggie Allan: Starting the descent down Cotra Breast
Maggie Allan: A trio of herdies watching me
Maggie Allan: Vale of Grasmere from Cotra Breast
Maggie Allan: Town Head below Seat Sandal
Maggie Allan: Old stepping stones where Tongue Gill joins the River Rothay