maggi5368: gelli printing on fabric
maggi5368: ripped stitched journal
maggi5368: ipad collage
maggi5368: honesty collage on box canvas
maggi5368: Clip 1
maggi5368: painted fabric quilt
maggi5368: unfinished
maggi5368: triangle
maggi5368: Sarah's Treasure book
maggi5368: Di's treasure book
maggi5368: Janet's treasure book
maggi5368: atc book
maggi5368: anniversary book and box
maggi5368: The Stitching Tree - Connections
maggi5368: Bookmarks - embellished
maggi5368: Postcards and ATCs
maggi5368: Wrapfolios
maggi5368: angelas atc2
maggi5368: jos atc
maggi5368: stitched metal card 2
maggi5368: stitched metal card